pregnancy test.......
21 Replies
tanner789 - February 14

luve-thats funny that your dr told you the combo would be too much for you, b/c mine wont let me do shots alone b/c she said it would produce much stronger results than the combo did. you produced the perfect amount of follies you lucky girl, but dr wont let me try with anything over5 follies. what age are you if you dont mind me asking, and how many days were you on the shots? i can only hope next month i'm given the go ahead and i have great results like you-take care of yourself and baby-p.s what was your med called-mine was gonal f with ovidrel shot


luve - February 14

tanner789..No problem I am 30. I had a miscarriage last year so I am very juiced about this new lil one. My meds were called Follistim. I took it for 10 days. It worked real well. It made me ovulate because on my clear blue ovulation monitor it never showed me ovulating...after the shots..I showed ovulating. I wish you well and I know you will have a lil one too...if not two! hee hee


tanner789 - February 14

thanks luve i wish i could be positive its just so hard bfn after one another i have a clearblue easy moniter too but i dont have the money to kep buying those $50 refill strips, i was using one whole box just for one month b/c i ovulated so late. well i'm glad to hear theshots worked for someone b/c you hear so many people taking more aggresive routes b/c the shots dont work, shes very positive it will get me pregnant b/c i'm young(27) but i just have to have a smaller amount of follicles b/c i had almost 20 this past month and she will only let me try with 4-6 to reduce the chance of crazy multplies-well hope you have a great valentines day send me some lucky baby dust


tanner789 - February 14

oh by the way did you ever do a physic reading by cheri on here?


luve - February 14

no i never had a reading. i had emailed her but she never really got back to me.


tanner789 - February 15

well it was nice chatting with you good luck on your pregnancy stay healthy and enjoy it most of all



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