Pregnancy risks
4 Replies
mother-of-pearl - July 23

Hi, there. I would like to post here as I need some help with my problems. I can get pregnant, by my GP says I shouldn’t do this as it might be quite risky for me. The thing is I have some kidney infection. It makes me sick from time to time, but mostly I feel well. My last urine tests and my ultrasound checks show that I’m quite healthy. I don’t understand why my GP advises me not to get pregnant. Is it really so dangerous to become pregnant with a kidney infection?


goblet - July 30

Hi, OP! I think all depends on what kind of infection you actually have. If it’s a chronic one, you may start feeling bad any time while you’re pregnant. I think you need to contact more specialists before you make your final decision. Pregnancy can be a real challenge for you if your kidneys don’t work properly. In addition, your health condition may also influence badly on your child. Think twice before making any decisions!


janetk - August 5

Hi there, how are you feeling now and have you consulted a specialist? It is really important that you see through this problem because, from what I have read about the kidney infections, it can spread through blood to other parts of the body. I don't want to get you scared and all, but I just feel that you should know, if it is chronic, it can affect your ovulation and may also make conceiving harder. It needs to be treated and I wish you well.


Anjlina - September 22

Well dear, sorry I really don't have anything to say. It's better to take the expert's advice. She will guide you better.


Polina22 - September 27

Hi all. I would like to ask what do you know about the symptoms of pregnancy at 6 weeks?



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