Pregnancy in a Pill?
2 Replies
Need Info - December 7

I did some research on Fertility Blend for women and found some interesting studies. I have been taking in for 1 month as a last try before having to take Fertility drugs. I have irregular periods, and since starting the pills i am happy to report that i had a period for the first time in 3 months! Pretty food sign, if you ask me. My husband is also taking the Fertility Blend for men. He says he feels different. It also makes him "In the mood" more often. My question is, has any of you ladies tried Fertility Blend with success? failure? Length of time taking it? Any info would be appreciated. I guess im just looking for stories of encouragement.


Need Info - December 7

Pretty GOOD sign. Typing OOPs :)


Christina - December 7

I took FB for about 9 days 2 cycles ago & did not like it! I felt a lot of side effects & it messed up my cycle. I am always regular 27-28 days & the month I took FB my cycle was only 17 days. I stopped taking it & now my cycle is back to normal. Maybe just a coincidence? I'm sorry but I just not a fan of FB. I know that evryone is different & I truly hope that it will work for you!!!



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