pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy and a removed tube...
I recently( in the last week ) had surgery to removed my right tube after finding out it was an ectopic pregnancy. I was wondering if anyone recently went through this and how long you are ask to wait and try to conceive and what happens now that you only have one side functioning. Please help!
I am so glad to find you....I posted earlier this am before I saw your post....I am right there with right tube was removed last Sept...I was told to wait at least 1 cycle, after that went on chlomid, iui, and I have been bbt for 2 years....this is all new to you and I don't want to discourage you...we are all different, but is has been a year since my tube was removed....and I have had no luck with a pregnancy since then....I go this week to have my left tube checked out....I was told by two docs(i had to have a second opinion)that where I only have one tube now, I am only "most fertile" 6 times a year, every other month???? It is possible to get pregnant whenever, as long as remaining tube looks clear and I ovulate(which I do).....and there is no way to know, when that "most fertile" is...because we still ovulate every month and it is possible for that left tube to catch from the right ovary, but it is a "long shot".....very stressful, very discouraging for I was a year ago for me....I have faith....I know it will happen for you and me.....another factor is my age...35....keep in touch...tell me more...thanks...God bless...
mrs. turnah - I had a m/c in July of 2004. Did many rounds of clomid some with and some without IUI. Watch mood swings! Went to injections Aug. 2005, got pregnant and it turned out to be an ectopic and everything (tube and pregnancy) were removed Sept. 24, 2005. I also have the age thing against me. I am 37 and have been trying since March 2003. I do not ovulate regularly and feel I am up against a wall.
I haven't had an eptopic pregnancy but I had my left ovary and tube removed about 4 years ago and had a cyst rupture on my right ovary. I had a laparascopy 2 years ago and the doctor could not get to my right ovary because of scar tissue. The good news is I am pregnant I have a 13 year old daughter and I did not think I could get pregnant because of only having one ovary and tube. It is possible I would not believe it but it happened to me. I am 34 years old. I wish you luck
Kristie - Thanks for giving hope. Are you pregnant now? and have a 13 year old? If you are pregnant, were you given any assistance with drugs or IVF?
I know the "up against the wall" feeling...Kristie your story is encouraging and good to hear....I love that we are all close in age, I don't feel so alone...I have my hystosalpingeogram(spelling???) on Monday, to check the remaining tube...we will see what the next step is...keep me posted tryin in heart goes out to you, I totally can relate...
Yes I am pregnant now about 2 months. I was not given anything it just happened. I will tell you my husband and I tried for 2 years and just assumed I could not get pregnant so I was going to have surgery in the next few months to have scar tissue removed and much to our suprise I got pregnant. I think it has alot to do with stress. I was under alot of stress with my job and went into business for myself and within 2 months I was pregnant. So if you are under any stress or worry try not to be. I will tell you about a month before I got pregnant I went and got the Green Tea vitamins I don't know if that had anything to do with it but I had heard and read that green Tea was good for you if you were trying to get pregnant so you may want to try that too. Again Good Luck.
Kristie - It is funny that you talk about stress, I am under much at work. I am trying real hard to let it all go. My hubby just said today maybe we were trying too hard. In the next couple of months (after my post op appointment), we are going to focus on us and see what happens. I think January 2006 if we are not, I might go back and try some follistim again. I appreciate all your kind words and wish you luck with this pregnancy. Hopefully mrs turnah and myself will have as much luck. Thanks
| mg - October 3 |
I only have one ovary as well, I had a cyst that ruptured. From what my doctor said I may only ovulate every other month or the one ovary may ovulate every month. One thing you might want to check is the position of your cervix, many baby making postions will not be ideal since you have had an ovary removed your cervix will sit different, and may be harder to access. I am going to TTC for about 6 months, if nothing happens my doctor will run test to determine my ovulation cycle. The good new is that you know you can get pregnant.
...thanks all for the info...been away all weekend...came back to find a lot of helpful postings....I have my hysto today to check tubes....keeping fingers crossed....thanks
mrs. turnah - how did the HSG go today? I had mine Feb of 2005 and everything was great. not sure what happened to end up with an ectopic pregnancy this month. I go on Thursday for 2 week follow-up. Later.
NC...hysto went blockage....could clearly see my "one tube" was fine and the doc said the uterus looked great...there was a dialation at the end of the tube...but he said that shouldn't impede husband's sample came back today as now it is back to keep trying and dumb luck....I am encouraged and discouraged at the same time...right now looking at Oct12-21 as any of those days is when I should be ovulating...if this is one of my "most fertile" months....hoping...that is all I got...good luck with the followup and keep me posted...thanks
hi to all, can i just say that there is hope for you all. I have had an ectopic pregnancy and had ovary and tube removed. Since then I have had two lovely boys without even trying at all. However, I am desperate for another baby and have recently stopped ovulating, have had no period since June so I am a bit down at the moment but will keep hoping. Good luck and babydust to you all x
Sandra...God bless old are you boys...your age?....does this sort of thing run in your family(mother stop mense early?)..what does the doc give me hope...and I will pray for you...keep in touch
hi Mrs Turnah. I am 33, the boys are 5 and 9, i'm probably getting too old now - the old body not working the way it used to. no family history of problems so I suppose it will happen in it's own good time. Maybe my one remaining ovary is having a rest hehe. Trying to stay focused because recently it's been taking over everything so maybe I should try and relax a little and let nature take its course. Doc has taken blood tests to check my FSH and LH levels, next step is gyn for an ultrasound so we'll wait and see what happens. I'm a big believer in fate and if its destined to happen it will - if not then it wasnt meant to be. Been praying to Our Lady a lot lately - hope she hears all our prayers soon
Hello mrs. turnah - I am glad I found this site yesterday. I am 35 years old - 36 in December. I lost my right tube last November and miscarried in May after a cycle of IVF. I am in my second cycle of IVF with results on Friday. The doctor noticed endometriosis inside of my left ovary which prohibited follicle growth - Hmm no tube on the right and endo on the right. I have faith. After 6 IUI and 2 IVF I can tell you that follicle growth is not always 50% right side 50% left. 6 of my cycles came heavily from the right side. (Ultrasounds) I was on Clomid for the IUI's and Follistim for the IVF. I don't know if that matters. As long as you have one tube, a working ovary and good eggs on one side - consider yourself blessed. I am currently bleeding very lightly (implantation bleeding or AF?!) and have my HCG test on Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed for good results.
mrs turnah - glad to hear everything checked out with HSG and hubby. I am prone to think like sandra in good time it will happen if it is to happen. Sandra - Thank you for the thoughts. did I read correctly both children were after you only had one tube and ovary? I go thursday for follow-up after my lap surgery and loosing my right tube only (I think). Wasn't really aware and hubby was unclear due to the emergency of the sugery and all. Tracy - Sorry to hear about your situation. Keep us posted and we will keep our fingers crossed spotting is implantation. Blessings to us all and hoping fate is on our side.