Positive HPT--- it does happen!!!
4 Replies
Stephanie - September 11

Hi ladies, my husband was told he had a low sperm count on our last visit- well, a miracle has happened- we got our BFP this morning!!! We were not expecting this for a long time! We were given the ok to start trying in May, so this is excellent. To all those ladies whose husbands have low sperm count- it can happen!!!
I wish you all the best, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for all of you!!!!


Laura - September 11

congratulations!!!! thats fabulous news-and thanks for the positive story!


Kerri - September 12

Congrats...that's such encouraging news. We were told my dh had low sperm count in June---so it's nice to know that it can still happen naturally. Do you mind me asking what was your dh's count?


Anna - September 12

Congrats Stephanie! I know exactly how your feeling! I just got my BFP this morning, also! I'm so happy for us both! Hope and pray everything goes good for you over the next nine months! *baby dust*


Stephanie - September 12

Thanks so much ladies!!
Kerri- my husbands sperm count was 5 and it should of been 14. I hope this makes sense because for me I honestly do not know what the numbers mean. All I know is that it was low. Do not worry or stress. As long as his sperm are healthy. It just might take longer than some people. It'll be just fine.
Way to go Anna!!! This is fabulous! I too pray that we both have healthy and happy babies. This is excellent



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