7 Replies
Carrie - June 1

My husband and I have been TTC for over 6 months. In may i started spotting on the 17th and 18th. I bleed the 19th and 20th and then spotted the 21st. We keep up the activities when i was suppose to be ovulating. But now I have started spotting again. Does anyone know what this is or why this is?


Cutie - June 1

Hello Carrie, you might be preggo girly or it could be hormonal disballance. I hope it straightens out and you get preggo, lots of love and blessing your way sweety.


carrie - June 2

thanks i am hoping it is preggo.


Patricia - June 2

Spotting should happen when there is implantation, that is, the fetus descends from the tubes and attaches to the uterus. This happens around 7-9 days after conceiving (counting from your ovulation day).
The question about your spotting is whether this is common for you. You could be pregnant, in which case you should see a doctor asap to test and take his recommendations (e.g. take progesterone?). It could also be a sign of endometriosis -- but I am not a doctor and spotting/bleeding intercycle would have to happen more often.


PrayinItWillHappenThisMonth - June 2

I wish you the best carrie! Good Luck Girlie!


carrie - June 2

well i do know that it is not normal for me. I usually have a period for abour 4-5 day (light to medium) and thats all.


carrie - June 2

i am kinda lost on all of this. Our first one snuck up on us i didn't even know i was pregnant till i was 12 weeks. But what is implantation. please explain


To Carrie - June 3

implantation is when the zygote (fertilized egg) attaches itself to the uterus. For 6 to 9 days it floats down thru your tubes and in your uterus. Some mommies experience spotting and mild cramping when this occurs. A few days later you can test for pregnancy, since the HCG hormome is created by the placenta (yolk sac) which is formed after plantation. I hope this helps. Lots of Baby dust to you all.



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