Please help- explain the OPK kits
1 Replies
sony - August 5

I have just doen a OPK test and it looks really strong, what does this mean? I have only used this for first time.


D. - August 5

OPKs should be started early enough for you to get a negative the first time you test. The reason is to make sure you are catching the LH surge on the up side and not as it is decreasing. If you have a 28 day cycle, you should start testing around CD11. Keep testing until you get a line that is as dark or darker than the control line. Once you get that positive, you will most likely O in the next 12-48 hours. This isn't written in stone, since you could get an LH surge and still not ovulate but for the vast majority of us, it holds true. I would be sure to get busy. Hopefully you caught it in time. Good Luck!



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