2 Replies
jamie - May 3

i have a son that is about to turn 3 i have always had an irregular period when a got pregnant with him me and my husband had only been dating for 2 months now that we are trying to get pregnant we can't we've been trying for 6 months


Heather - May 3

Jamie have you been charting your temp to see when you ovulate? how far apart are your periods on average... how irregular?? I was put on provera to force my period and then clomid because of my being so irregular (would go 3-4 months with no period). I did conceive my first month on clomid but m/c'd unfortunately. Have you taken opk's?? There are several things you can do to help.


Mel - May 4

Hi Jamie, I have a son who is also about to turn 3 and have been trying for 5 months now. Isn't it weird how things just happened with the first so you didn't give it much thought for the second and now it's not as quick? Have you seen your doctor? Also, there is a group of us that have been trying for a couple of months for our second you are welcome to join that forum. It's under Milissa, Nicola, Rebecca new forum. Please feel free to join.



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