OVULEX: Started to take ovulex, looking for buddies.
18 Replies
HI, girls,
I am 25, TTC for 3 month. Have Been pregnant in 22 but didn't keep it. Now trying and doesn't go so smooth anymore. I purchase Ovulex, well it's just a natural staff, can't hurt. I think, my ovulation took a day or 2 longer, (I can feel a little pain always in the middle of the cycle). Wondering if I can get any feedback from somebody TTC with the help of Ovulex. thanks.
Hi! Not to ruin your hopes & dreams but I am on my third & last bottle of ovulex with no results at all. I would check out the other ovulex thread for more input from others that have been on it as well. Good luck! =0)
Thanks for your response. I just figured that if it doesn't help at least it can't hurt. All those ingredients are natural and you can actually buy them separately in the store and it would cost you about the same amount. I guess I will try at least for half a year and if nothing happens I will seek a professional help. Good luck to you too.
I have one more question:
Did you hopeful-for-one notice any changes in your cycles at all since you started Ovulex?
As I mentioned above I think my ovulation did take longer. My period is due on the 7th. Usually I have sore boobs at least five days ahead. But now my boobs don't hurt at all.
By the way, don't they give you full refund if you do not concieve in 12 months. I got my pill from Semedica, and I think they gife you at least some refund. Might be worth reading.
That is the same place I got my ovulex from. I only bought the 3 month supply so i will let you know about hte refund. One girl on a thread stated that she tried to get a refund but they sent her another bottle instead to keep trying & I guess she did get pregnant but she didn't know if it was from the ovulex or not. I haven;t noticed anything different with my periods except that they keep coming =) lol
I am currently trying this product as well--have you had any kind of luck with it. I will keep you update on my progress
There is actually another thread about Ovulex. It is named Ovulex can fix infertility & the last date on it is 6-22 @ 9:39, you might want to check it out & read what has been mentioned about Ovulex. =)
Hi Ladies, sorry I didn't respond for long but my fiance's grandma died, and we have business, so I was busy as a hell and didn't even think of having a baby. Anyway, Selmedica should give you refund after 12 months. So I don't know. I am taking this product for about 3.5 weeks and the only think I noticed is that my ovulation was longer. I'm supposed to get period on the 7th. Usually my boobs hurt like 5-7 days ahead but not this time. I don't feel any period symptoms at all. Only I am too tired, but that can be because I worked my butt off this last 4 days. I'll keep in touch
Oh, Yes I found the thread, but my computer doesn't want to open it, that's why I started this one. Good luck everyone.
AF should arrive today. No signs yet. Just a pain in lower back.
Hi everybody,
I am late 3 days. No AF signs at all (usually sore boobs 5 days ahead). No pregnancy signs either. I stopped taking Ovulex till I figure out what's going on. I am going to test on Friday if no AF.
The only thing I noticed was that it brought on my period. I have PCOS and don't normally get a period without the help of prometrium and ovulex has made it so I do not need prometrium and I get periods more often.
Trying 2006, I guess that's positive. Looks like I got my period last night. it's very light so far, and I don't have any cramps like usually and no sore boobs either. I think it is because of Ovulex. I am going to make lots of love this month I guess. Good luck to you. Let me know if any changes.
Hi, I am 26 and TTC for 11 months now. I just purchased Ovulex yesterday - waiting for it to arrive. Have you started your pills yet? I too have many questions about this.
Baby dust to you...
WelI have about another week of taking Ovulex before I am out with no results. Oh well, at least I tried something else since we have been ttc to about 5-6 years now. Don't give up anyone on this product, some have gotten pg but not in my case. good luck to all! =0)
Hello my fellow ttc'ers! I just started Ovulex about I think on July 9, I have been ttc for 2 1/2 years. I don't ovulate which is the reason for my infertility. I was a smoker up until the day I started Ovulex, so I'm hoping between the herbs and no smoking I finally get my BFP!
I was wondering what some of you guys side effects were to Ovulex, how long have you been taking it and how long do you plan to take it before you give up if you don't get pregnant? Let's all keep in touch on here!! Thanks for reading!
Hi, I am going to take it at least 6 months. It is made out herbs so it can't hurt. My only side effect was that my boob didn't hurt before period, and I didn't get bumps on my face neither. And my period was late 4 days. I don't smoke at all, and drink very ocasionally. Well keep in touch. My AF is due august 9 if I still have 28 day cycle like I used to. But as I said my last cycle was 33 days. Good luck