Ovulation Bleeding??? Please Read!
4 Replies
mrose - April 10

I need some advice...I have very long cycles so it is hard for me to do ovulation predictors or anything because I do not believe I ovulate normally. I have been on Metformin since February to try and regulate my cycles. I am now on cd57, this past weekend, April 8th and 9th I had a very light red bleeding, it was only when I wiped, not enough to even touch a panty liner. Also on the 8th, I noticed that I had EWCM which I have not seen is a very long time. My DH and I bd on the 7th, before I suspected I might be ovulating. That is the only time this weekend we bd, I was wondering what you thought the possibility of me getting pregnant would be, and how long should I wait before doing a test? I don't know when to expect my period, so I can't go by a missed period. Thank you in advance, and baby dust to everyone!


na25 - April 10

hi mrose,
Implantation bleeding can be one of the earliest pregnancy symptoms. About 6-12 days after conception, the embryo implants itself into the uterine wall. Some women will experience spotting as well as some cramping...so not sure could be that or if your period is due soon then it could be it coming...Try to due your bbt chart and that would help you to know when you ovulate...Good Luck and all the best!!


mrose - April 11

na25 thank you for responding. I don't think it was implantation bleeding, I was thinking ovulation bleeding? I'm not sure how that works though....any other advice from anyone? TIA! Baby dust!


bump - April 11



mrose - April 11

anyone???any help woul dbe great....thanks...



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