Ovidrel tonight - IUI Fri - Anyone else??? Need buddy!
26 Replies
Jamie Lynne what is going on?? Have you tested yet?? Let me know! I hope you are okay!
I broke down and tested yesterday -bfn but it was later on in the day so who knows. Today I woke up with bad gas pains and I feel extremely bloated. Still lots of cm and bbs are still swollen - usually they hurt so bad the week before af is due but they just feel heavier.... usually my cm dries up by now as well. I am trying not to get my hopes up though. I go tomorrow - you do too - let me know what you find out!! Good luck and I am sending baby dust your way!!!
Good Morning Jamie Lynne! Well AF came at me hard lastnight. I just knew I wasn't pregnant. I even called the drs office yesterday and told them. They told me I could resume my workouts and be normal. Af is really bad b/c of the progesterone supp. I was on. I hope the next few days pass quickly. I will definitely watch my cycle close this month as I got pregnant last year naturally after a couple months of clomid soooo here's hoping that the injections maybe regulated me a bit. I hope that you get a bfp, please let me know. Take care!
Well Carole I tested this morning (hpt) and it was neg. Then I went for my bloodwork - which came back positive. Read the "Ladies Help!! Anyone experience this" posting.... I wrote that earlier. My hcg levels are not where my doctor wants them right now. Everything I have read on the internet says my levels are fine as long as they are doubling - which I won't know until the 5th. It is so hard not to get excited but she said don't get your hopes up.... how frustrating. I feel absolutely preg. - same signs are continuing that I have told you about. My bbs are definitely hurting more today and I have a lot of lower back pain. Well I guess all I do now is wait... How are you feeling? I am sorry this month is so bad with af - hopefully like you said it will pass soon.
Carole - how are you? Haven't hear from you and was wondering how things are going....
Hey Jamie Lynne! Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you. I was able to read your post over the weekend. It is hard for me to post at home and the weekend was so busy. I am excited for you. I pray that your levels are doubling as they should and I definitely want to hear an update asap. They should be way up there now. aRe you feeling more symptoms or are they more intense. Please let me know how you are. I am finishing up af. I am on day 6 and it has sucked big time. I was really emotional on SAt. but I have recouped now. I did start temping this month so maybe my body will be in good shape this month and we will get lucky!! I will check back later on you!! Take care and I am thinking about you!
Can I join you guys? I have taken 5 days of Femara and will be going in for an u/s on the 10th. If all looks good, I'll give myself an Ovidrel injection and cross my fingers. I've never taken any fertility medications b4 and am nervous. I have PCOS and have been ttc for over a year. I do have a 7 yr old son that my dr has no clue how I conceived. Good Luck ladies!!!
Hey Carole - well my numbers have dropped down to 7 - so I guess we can say that I am out this month. I am really upset - this process can be so heartbreaking.... my dh has been so sweet - we really had our hopes up. I am now supposed to wait for af and I go back for bloodwork again a week from today. How are you feeling? I still feel like I am preg. but I assume that will be ending shortly.
Jamie Lynn, I am so, so sorry about your levels. It looks like something happened though. Have they given you any thought as to what it was. Would they consider that a chemical pregnancy?? I am now on cd12. I had to do a lot of regrouping since af started on 6/30. I was pretty emotional for a couple of days and af was really bad. It lasted for 8 days! Has af come and gone for you too. What did your bloodwork show this week or is it today?? I have been thinking of you. What is your next step?? Take care and check in when you can.
Hi Carole - sorry I haven't been around. I went for more bloodwork yesterday and my levels are below 2. I guess they are considering it a chemical pregnancy. Regardless something did happen like you said which gives us hope. Since yesterday I have felt like af is on it's way but nothing so far. I think this one is going to be rough.... They told me I have to wait until my next period after this one before we can try again. I hate waiting! So I guess we just wait it out. Hope all is going well with you. Are you doing anything this month or waiting for next month??
Hey Jamie Lynne! TGIF!! I know you have had a long 10 days. I am sorry for things not working out. So, can you not start right away when af starts?? They are making you skip a cycle? Are they afraid that your body won't be prepared?? Or does it need that rest?? We will not be doing another iui anytime soon. My insurance doesn't cover anything and it is really expensive. We are trying natural this month in hopes of getting lucky. Maybe my system will work somewhat normal after doing the meds last month. I hope that you are successful next time. I am leaving for vacation next Friday and am very excited. Something to look forward to after such an emotional June. Also I should be O'ing close to leaving or while I am there. I hope you have a great weekend. You have any plans??