Onto The Next one....
3 Replies
Char - October 7

Well... I think my last post was somewhere back in May when I decided to try Vitex...(still kept up on my reading tho) .... Anyway, I tried it and it worked well for bringing back my long lost AF every month, but I wasn't showing any O on tests... so in August I decided to stop that and after a two-month break, I have decided to go ahead and Order FertileAid for Men and Ovulex... Man I hope this works.... I was trying to avoid Clomid for as long as possible, but if this doesn't work, looks like that is just about my last choice.... Does Anyone know the average time it takes to get a bfp with Ovulex - for most people?


Toni - October 7

Why are you avoiding clomid?


gh - October 7

I have only known one person on this board who got pregnantwith ovulex. It is not a miracle cure, so be aware of that. It will help get you regular, but may not make you ovulate. Anything that is guaranteed to get you pregnant is just playing on your emotions, so be careful. Good luck!


Char - October 8

I just usually avoid most types of medication. It might sound kind of stubborn, but i am not huge on perscription drugs... And I haven't heard of many people getting anything but regular with ovulex so the best i can do is try it then move on to clomid if nothing else works.



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