Not sure if pregnant
2 Replies
taniablandy - April 22

Been trying to concieve for 7 months. this will be our third. My period is three days late, but pregnancy test is negative. Could I still be pregnant?


na25 - April 22

Yes, I believe. If you ovulated late, then you may conceive late, etc. Wait few more days and if af doesn't show up. Re-test! Good Luck!


MuzikGurl - April 22

taniablandy, I think you should wait until you are a week late at least. You may want to go to the drs. office and see if they can do a urine test or blood test because their tests are more sensistive. I am currently I believe 6 weeks pregnant now and I ovulated late and about 12dpo I went in and did a urine test at the drs. and it was faintly pos. then I went home to do a home test but it kept coming up neg. it didn't come up pos. on a home test until I was 18dpo so, my advice I would wait for a week if AF still doesn't show then go into the drs. office. good luck!



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