Not sure if it is a problem... yet
3 Replies
Jamie - April 11

My husband and I aren't exactly trying to get pregnant but we have been having unprotected sex the last 3 months and haven't gotten pregnant. I know we aren't trying or anything but it's kind of scaring me that I might not be able to have children. There might be a few things making it a little more difficult, like I smoke, and drink alot of pop and he smokes weed. Now I don't want any lectures on our lifestyle, I'd just like to hear how these things are seriously affecting our bodies regarding fertility.


Nikki - April 11

Well, it would certainly improve your chances if you quit the cigarettes and the weed. But then again, people get pregnant while doing those things all the time, so its hard to say.
My dh used to smoke a lot of weed, and so far we've been trying for almost 8 months with no luck.
I hope it will easier for you. Good luck!


crystal74 - April 11

hey jamie and nikki, i am only 22 and have been with my husband for five years now. for the first three years we didn't use any constraceptive and we too smoked weed everyday, drank often, and i never got pregnant. even though we weren't trying for a baby it scared me into thinking that i couldn't if i tried. i went to the doctor at 19 and cried my eyes out. he then gave me an ultrasound and said everything looks okay and when i am ready to have a baby and if i have problems then come back. well three years later i'm back in his office and can't conceive for the life of me. we've been "officially" trying for a year now and it seems something is working against me. we quit everything to get our bodies healthy and eat good/exercise. still i haven't gotten prego. i didn't even o last month. sorry for the long story, feels good to vent sometimes. good luck to you both and hey how old are you?


crystal74 - April 11

nikki, it sucks when people tell us we don't need to quit cuz they conceived when they were drunk and high. oh i hate that. just go's to show we all want what we can't have and don't want what we have



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