No BD for 2 weeks after HSG?
5 Replies
I read somewhere on the internet that you should refrain from sex for 2 weeks after an HSG to allow for healing or you could get infection? Is this true? I just had an HSG yesterday and my doctor never said a word about that, and usually he would be pretty quick to mention something like that. Of course I forgot to ask while I had the chance. I am hoping this is not the case because I also heard that many women get pregnant quickly after an HSG because the flow of the dye clears a nice path. It would be really nice to take advantage of this month, especially where its my first month without Clomid so I feel there is a chance I could still ovulate. Please help me anyone.
My Dr told me to wait 24hrs and your fine after that. Did they put you on antibiotics?
Thank you SashaP! No, they didn't put me on antibiotics, but I am allergic to so many of them that I don't take them unless I absolutely have to.
i agree with Sasha, my dr. said wait a few days and go for it
mine never said but i have read alot about it and i think most agree that 24 or 48 hours and then your fine
Thank you everyone for all your responses, I guess it is safe to BD :)