186 Replies
isa - November 13

Solange thanks for your story. I was on hcg of 3.3 and 2 days later 2.2 so I never was classed as pregnant but was wondering if even a 2.2 would delay af from starting. The progesterone suppositories is what delayed it last month by 2 days so I knew it would be at least 2days after I stopped them but that would have meant last night and still nothing today.


Becca - November 13

Isa- I had a month where I tested at like a 2 and it did take af a little longer to start after stopping the progesterone.


isa - November 13

Hey Becca, af seems to have begun -just got some pink on the tissue so hoping it will come full fledged. Usually my clinic says if it starts full by 2pm its that days cycle day 1, but if after 2pm it counts day 1 as the next day. What does your clinic do? I am just going to play it by ear by how heavy it gets today. It's usually fairly week on day 1 and only med day 2, light day 3 and over or hardly anything on day4 and over.


Lee - November 13

Isa, at my RE if you even spot before midnight that is considered day 1. Thinking of you....


isa - November 13

Thanx Lee. Do you think we should start a new thread again ? this one is getting very long.


Toni - November 13

I'll start the new thread. It will be part 4. Everyone check into the new thread!



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