100 Replies
Becky - April 6

Isa-sending baby dust and glue I really hope this is your month.. We need some bfp...


Toni - April 6

Having sono today at 1. So I'll report later. Isa hope you are feeling well. Amanda thinking of you.


isa - April 6

Toni looking forwards to your news. Keep us posted.


Toni - April 6

Hey guys. Back from the sono and dr appt. They said I was measuring about a week and a half ahead of schedule! That she weighs 3 lbs. and is 15 inches!! I wonder how accurate those things are. But all body parts are fine etc. and that is the main news. Waiting on results of my gestational diabetes test. Hope everyone is doing fine.


isa - April 7

Wow Toni 3lbs, thats so cool. Does it mean you go earlier if you are measuring larger? (all these things I have yet to learn -grin ) Hope you diabetes test comes back ok. Can they give you a due date yet or still guessing which week due?


Toni - April 7

They didn't really say if my due date had changed. Just that they would keep watching. I have another one in 4 weeks. I have also gained 19 lbs. so far. Judi how much have you gained? Isa how are you feeling right now? What is your test date?


isa - April 7

Hey Toni, I feel ok (2 dpo). Test date is Easter Monday. I'm feeling exhausted but the weather here is raining and awful and I always feel like this on rainy days-just no energy at all.


Judi - April 7

Toni, I've gained about 30 pounds (although I think some of it is just fluid). The doctors keep telling me that my weight gain is perfect, so I'm not too concerned. Most people can't believe that I've gained that much, so I must not look that much heavier. I hope I can lose it afterward, though! I've always been small...I weighed about 95 pounds when we got married 9 years ago, and I was around 121 before I got pregnant, so being this much bigger is really a new experience. I hope your glucose test results are good. I was happy to get that over with. We are making our final preparations due date is four weeks from yesterday, but we still think she'll be early. We're just about through with the nursery and are planning to pack our suitcase for the hospital tomorrow. We just found out that we're having one more husband's former co-workers want to give us one. It's planned for April 27, so I hope that I don't go into labor before then! Isa, I'm keeping you in my prayers. I hope you feel better.


Toni - April 7

Isa I feel the same way on rainy days! Judi, I gained around 34 lbs. my other two times so I am anticipating about the same this time. I just wonder how long it will take to lose now that I am almost 40! I started out at 126. And it will be back to Jazzericse come August!! Hey everybody!! It's the weekend, yea!!!


isa - April 8

Starting a new thread, this one takes too long to load now.........................NEW HOPE AND POSITIVE THOUGHTS part 9



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