Negative HPT at 10DPO - too early?
4 Replies
hopeful - August 29

Is 10 dpo too early to test??


leonia - August 29

no pregnancy can be detected until the fetus implants in the uterus.average time for implantation is 8-10 days .can happen as early as 5 or as late as 12.some women can get a + on hpt by 10dpo.but if the baby implanted on 10 then it'd be too early.make sense now?


annette - August 29

on the same lines, i would like to know, if someone has been testing since 10 dpo,when can be the latest you can see a +ve result? can it go till about 18 dpo or later? anyone out there with similar stories?


leonia - August 29

i have heard alot of women that didn't get a positive until a week sometimes 2 after their period was yes it is possible to still get a + 18 dpo or later.but at the same time if you have missed a period and are aproaching another would be period time and still do not get either a period or a + you should contact your doctor as something may be wrong.good luck


D. - August 30

That's true. If you go to the Fertility Friend chart gallery, you'll see tons of Positives thta happened after 15DPO.



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