Need help re: tilted uterus and ttcing
4 Replies
lovemy3 - January 8

Hi there, I have been told in the past I have a tilted uterus. I have 3 children and concieved them no problem, but have been ttc my 4th for 1 year now. I will be 38 yrs old in may. With each prior pregnancy, u/s techs and my ob asked if I had problems ttc as my uterus was tilted. Any suggestions or helpful tips on what makes ttc easier with a tilited uterus? Thanks so much. I so appreciate all your advice. xoxox


angelkitty - January 8

I am in the same boat lovemy3. So is my sis that is pregnant with # 2. My doc said it sould not cause any problems...we will see what the speicalist says on the 18th.


lovemy3 - January 8

hey there. Thanks angelkitty. Thats a great questions to ask on the 18th, thanks.


wonder_woman - January 8


I also have a tilted uterus. I am trying to get pregnant at the moment too, can i ask, did you ahve to have a c section? or can you have a natural birth?

Many thanks


angelkitty - January 8

My sister has a tilted uterus also and her 1st child was a vaginal delivery so I do not think it matters.



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