Miscarriage in March...
I M/C in March at 9 wks. and have been trying to concieve since. I have been on 3 rounds of clomid and 2 rounds of Femara and I have had no luck. I am starting to get frustrated and each month gets harder and harder emotionally. Does any one have any advice or comments. Any one have any luck concieving after a M/C?
Armywife - I can only tell you my situation. I miscarried in July of 2004. I began with 4 months of clomid, took a break for 2 months and got pregnant in June of 2004. Miscarried in July of that year and continued with 7 more months of clomid. In April of 2005, I stopped to give my body a break. I began follistim (an injectable) in August of 2005 which lead to an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy in September of 2005. Which is where I am now. There is hope but it depends on how far you will go. Good Luck!!!
| Ann - October 5 |
I am very sorry for your loss. I also miscarried in March at eight weeks. I took a month off, tried on our own and then started clomid. I then took clomid and did IUI. After that didn't work, my dh and I decided to take a month off( I was starting back fot the school year). We got pg at the end of August without assistance. There is hope! I am seven weeks and very nervous about this pregnancy, but everything seems good so far. Did you concieve on your own last time or were you on clomid?
I M/C in Jan.my 2nd and I have been trying since,no luck yet I have a few more mnths before I can go see the doctor about it,but yes I did have luck after a M/C I conceived my daughter 2mnths after a M/C,but since this last one I can't seem to be as lucky!Stay positive and don't give up hope!Good Luck!!
I am sorry for all of your losses!!!