Michigan Gals
80 Replies
tanner789 - January 3

gmh- i had the bw today was really thinking i had a chance, i was truly not thinking about it all and me an dh had sex whenever and then i started feeling ill, breaking out, extremely tired, and sore heavey boobs, and then today the bfn, well its okay because now that means i can take provera get my period here and start the clomid with injections. thanks for the support on the shots, i'll do anything at this point, i am very much dreading the u/s and bw every couple days especially with work b/c they dont understand or may not neccesarily think i need to do these things to get pregnant, at least thats what alot of people think anyhow. i'm not as positive about the clomid and injecitons working for me, b/c i havent heard to many people get bfp wihtout trying iui or ivf combined, i feel like these will just be another failed couple monthes. so how did your iui go and bw results? by the way may i ask how old u r? have a great day


gmh - January 3

Hello, tanner I am sorry I think I misunderstood I thought you going to be going to injectables. Just what to let you know that clomid and the trigger shot don't mean extra BW or U/S. I am doing all injection starting on cycles day 2 or 3. So I have to give my self a shot a day... It sticks to hear that your employer is not good about it... I am very lucky My boss is very very considerate... The IUI went well and I am cycle day 27 and nothing yet.... so I will just wait it out until at least Sun or Mon to do a test and call in for BW. Oh no problem about the age I am 37 and have been TTC for 3yr two operationing and only one ovary left.... and I feel I still have a chance...


tanner789 - January 4

well gmh i really hope you get your bfp soon, you deserve it, you've been trying so damn long, and have the odds against you, but good to hear your postiive. i think we are both confusing one another b/c i am doing injectables. i do clomid cd3-7 then 5 days of shots and then once follies are mature i do a shot of ovidrel. they told me i am to have bw on cd 3 along with us and pretty much expect that every other day to every two days til follies are mature. this is all confusing, wish i had someone really close to me to help me and understand all this. sorry if i confused you-best of luck, let me know


chele - March 11

TK07, GMH Are you still out there? I was wondering how you are doing? Any bfp's? Hope to hear from you soon!


mythri - November 10

hi chele,
I also live in farmington hills and i am going to mersol barg for my treatment.Did you have success with iui.what was the cost for 1 iui?



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