Lots o' CM????
5 Replies
V - November 22

I'm 7 dpo and just noticed a lot of creamy white cm. Is this normal? I don't usually get this.


Mega - November 22

Increased CM, almost lotion-like in nature can be a very good sign of pregnancy. Especially since this is unusual for you. At 7 DPOs it's a little early to tell for sure, but it could be an early pregnancy sign. Good luck! I hope you get the result you want.


V - November 22

Thanks Mega. I definitely don't want to get my hopes up. Half way through the 2 ww so I'll keep looking for signs I guess. Good luck to you as well!


Mega - November 22

I totally understand about not getting your hopes up. Take it as it is, I guess, it's a good sign but it's not a 100%. Easier said than done though. Every cycle I have like a zillion pos. signs & yet heretofore still get that BFN. Keep us posted though, I always like to know how things work out!


Amy - November 23

To V-- I 6 dpo and too just started noticing lots of creamy white CM...I hope it's a good sign!


M - November 23

That sign could go either way. I have had it before af and before a bfp.



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