long cycle problem
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yumymumy - January 12

i have had irregular period cycles since i can remember when i was younger i didnt keep track of them like i do now but i know i didnt get them every month or i would get them for 2 weeks straight and then nothing for ages again. it took 2 n half years to concieve my boy. after he weas born i went on the pill for 12 months, its now been 5 months since iv stoped and i think i might have had a chemical pregnancy, i had 3 posative hpt's. then 2 weeks later i bleed unusual for 3 days. since then i havent had a peiod for 47days, no signs or symptoms of my period coming as yet, i dont feel or have any symptoms of being pregnant (although i am trying to convieve again) whats some peoples advice or opinions on all this? is having a 47 day period cycle in any way normal? i am going to get advise from the doctor aswel, but first id like to know if anyone has anything simular things as me, and what might it mean with my trying to concieve? thankyou



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