I have done IUI 10 days before .And i m started to do preganancy tests but it is always negative. What will be proper to have test
hi everyone-
i just got an iui feb 15,16, back to back. now, i'm waiting desperately. pray for me guy's..
Hi girlls, I had my IUI on friday cd 12.I am not happy with my U/S becose nurse couldnt messure properly my eggs.On left side had one 19mm and other smaller think 15mm.On right had one 23 cyst or follie and small just8-10mm.Lining was 8,5 mm at cd 12.So not the best result this time.Semen was ok 60millions post washed with 90% motility.Think she inseminate me too early.Had trigger shot at 8am nad IUI at 1pm.I am so woried that semen couldnt survive enough long, becose after injections I should O 12-36h.Think she should do IUI day after, but they prefer semen to waith early.I am totally flat and dont have any feelings what will happend.I was on clomid 50mm and it was round 3 so next time theyll put me on injectible puregon or gonal F.On friday will do progesterone test.Dont know what to think.It was my firt IUI.Ill pray for you Rain, and all other girlls.God bless you all with so wanted babies.Good luck.
Hi Lisa, Rain and Lilly2 please join us on the 'Life After IUI 3' thread. This thread was becoming too long, so we've moved to a new one.
Hi all I am on my 2nd IUI on the 1st and i will find out the results in another week and 1/2! I am very nervous I only have one ovary and counting on my one to make it happen. Me and my husband have been trying for 2 yrs now! What is ttc?? I am glad to have found this site :)
this thread is pretty old. there are several more recent threads where you will be able to talk to many ladies trying to concieve (ttc) right now! here is the link to the forum topics. good luck and see you there! http://www.pregnancy-info.n