Lap & Hys - tks for advice
5 Replies
Cleo - January 21

I would like to thank all of the ladies for sharing their experiences with me. I am going in on the 10th Feb and then going the natural route for a while. Will keep you posted.


Pinky - January 26

I wish you the best of luck Cleo. I am now on the natural route right now feel free to email me @ [email protected] Take care


Me - January 26

Hi, have also been following these postings for a while, especially that of you Cleo - because I relate, and also going natural route now, I also wish you all the luck in the world!


Cleo - January 26

I have gone for the first consultation. Very interesting indeed. I was told that my left tube was blocked, my lining was too thick, my environment was too acidic & therefore hostile and the blood circulation in my womb was not good. Treatment is to commence next week. Will keep you updated.
Pinky & Me, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]


Kira - February 11

Hi Cleo
I'm having my lapro/hysteroscopy done on Feb 24th too. I'm sooo nervous yet excited because I feel like this is the "beginning of my next preganancy". I don't have endo or blocked tubes, my dr.recommeded it for "fertility complications due to Stenotic cervix". But I wish you the best-let's keep each other posted! good luck...


Cleo - February 12

Went for my lap & hys yesterday. It was a walk in the park. I don't know why I was so scared. They found nothing of note so now I am raring to go.



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