Justine, d, Sara......are you guys okay?
6 Replies
Mindi - August 22

Just thinking about you ladies and was wondering how you were doing.


Justine - August 22

Hey Mindi good to hear from you. I'm doing great although sooooooo exhausted from all the sleepless nights. Emma is waking every 11/2 hours to nurse so I'm getting hardly any sleep! Everyone keeps telling me she'll get better soon so I'm just waiting impatiently for that to happen. Otherwise she is a very mellow baby and so cute and I'm very very happy to finally be a mum. How are you doing? How's your baby boy doing? It would be great to hear from d and Sara too and see how they're both doing.


Sara - August 22

Hi Mindi & Justine, I'm glad you guys are doing well . We are almost done the testing stage for IUI. I have to go on birth control pills for 1 month to regulate my hormones then when I start my period after that month we will FINALLY be all set to go. I read that d is pregnant, which is great to hear. How's your little one Mindi?


Justine - August 23

Sara - good to hear from you too and that's great news that you're almost ready to begin iui. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and hoping that you finally get your bfp soon. BIG GOOD LUCK to you. That's wonderful news that d is pg, let's hope shes lets us know how she's doing.


Lynn - August 23

just stopping by to let you know....D is pregnant but she is off on vacation. i hope you do not mind me letting you know.


Mindi - August 23

Glad to see that everyone is doing well. Justine, I still have to get up with my son every 2-3 hours and he is almost 2 mo. It has gotten better though, either that, or I've gotten use to it. : ) Sara, that's some exciting news about your IUI. It seems like it has taken awhile to get to that stage. Good luck. Can't wait to hear from d to find out how she is feeling and such. Keep in touch!


Justine - August 23

Lynn - thanks for letting us know about d. I'm so happy for her that she's finally pg. Mindi - i don't mind the regular daytime feedings so much but the night time ones are tough. However, I don't feel ready yet to hand the reins over to dh so I'm not pumping yet. dh thinks I'm crazy but in fact whilst it's exhausting there's also something very special about feeding Emma whilst we're tucked up in bed and it's dark outside. We're about to leave now to get Emma's passport photos taken as we're leaving for England in a couple of months. I'm so excited to see my family again and introduce them to dd. Will check back soon. Take care all.



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