3 Replies
j - October 20

I've been ttc for 6 months with obvioulsy no success. I start AF on Oct. 26th and my breats are swollen and very sore and this morning had cramps. Do you think these could be early signs?


ksm - October 20

i'd wait till sat, and then take a test. good luck


Jessica - October 20

I don't know if I am the Jessica you are looking for but I am 28 weeks pregnant with a boy after ttc for 3 years. When I was due for my AF before I knew I was pg I felt like AF was coming at any minute. I had no idea that I was pg cause my early pg signs were exactly like my pms symptoms so there is a possibility that you could be. Are your breasts normally sore before AF? Mine were always sore before AF and very sore when I was first pg. Baby dust to you and I hope you are!


hey - October 20

The jessica that posted before me does you last name start with a p



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