IVF's...how many tries did it take?
1 Replies
Tamara - October 17

I have done IVF three times. Got pregnant w/ the first two, miscarried them around 7 weeks (empty sacks), and the third try I did not even get pregnant. I was staying positive, but am now getting frustrated, depressed, and at the end of my rope. Anyone else go through many IVF's, finally with a success? I need to hear something positive. (By the way, I am very fertile and ovulate perfectly, 28 day cycles...I just have blocked tubes, so I have to do IVF). Thx


Daley - October 17

Hi Tamara, try this site: www.felopio.com. It is a herbal product that helps clear blocked tubes. I found it by searching for natural products that could help clean the fallopian tubes. I hope this helps. God Bless U.



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