IVF and eggs
2 Replies
Sara Beth - November 30

Is anyone who has tried IVF concerned that they will take your eggs, but give you someone elses eggs? So, the child is not really your biological child.


beth - November 30

Hi Sara Beth-
I just had 27 eggs retrieved and 25 fertilized. I never thought of them giving my eggs away. Maybe its your subconscious telling you to change doctors. Have you had retrieval yet?


Mega - November 30

I haven't moved to IVF--at least not yet, but I have been doing IUI & my clinic is very careful in labeling my DH's sample & showing me before the insemination that it's my DH's sperm. I'm sure they do the same type of thing with IVF. What I'm trying to say, is all reputable, insured clinics ensure as many safeguards as possible b/c they don't want the bad publicity. But as Beth said, maybe you do have a subconscious distrust of your dr. If that's the case, then maybe you should look into another clinic. Good luck.



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