It's gonna be a long couple of weeks..wanna join?
64 Replies
Elyse - January 31

I am on cd5 today of yet another cycle and starting my shots tonight. Anyone on the same day and want to share in the torture?


DD - February 1

I'm on CD 9...Finished last clomid yesterday. This is my first cycle on it due to anovulation. I need someone to pass some time with! What shots do you take??


Elyse - February 1

I take Repronex injectables - 2 amps of 75 iu each night. How long have you been anovulatory and ttc?


Elyse - February 1

"Passing" the time is an optimistic way to say it - the time doesn't seem to pass at all - especially the 2ww after I get IUI. What's your story?


SashaP - February 1

Can I join in I'm on CD 2 and I'll start Femara tomorrow. I need someone other than dh to pass the time with.


Elyse - February 1

Sasha - we're all here - and waiting...and waiting...and waiting...So let's all do it together. DD and Shasha - do you bd or iui?


SashaP - February 1

I bd....I'll IUI in 6 months if bd dosen't work...I suppose I'll try to bd alot more this month so I'll have alot better chance.


DD - February 1

After being on BCP for 5 years I cannot ovulate on my own....So I am starting clomid and bd-ing. I am on 50mg to start and hoping it works the first time, but I'm not getting my hopes up.. we are young and I never anticipated having problems like this.


SashaP - February 1

I just started my Femara today how is everybody else doing?


bump - February 4



Dianna - February 4

I am CD 8 just finished last Clomid 100mg Feb 2nd and Im also on Metformin 850 2 x a day. I am waiting on O day. Baby dust to all


DD - February 4

Hi Elyse, SashaP and Dianna. I'm on cd12 now. I took an OPK today (well I have been since cd10) and I got a positive on that-Never had that before!!! I just hope it was accurate. I used a first response OPK. BUT, i feel like crap. I have a horrible cold, but I think it's on its way out. I'm taking Mucinex, but I still don't have any ewcm, not much cm at all. ?????


Dianna - February 4

DD I"ve Read you can use egg white as a lubricant and they have something else called Pre Seed


SashaP - February 4

Hi DD I'm already doing the OPK's to my cycle tends to make me O early so I have to start on cd 4. If you got your + make sure you bd cold or no cold. I told dh we are gonna bd every other day whether he likes or not.


DD - February 4

Yes, I have Preseed and I used it last night. I told DH every day!!! He's okay with that though. I think my cold is getting better, so that's good. I don't feel terrible like I did yesterday. I've read women who take clomid can feel when they ovulate, but I have only felt little twinges in my right side..Is that normal. I would assume since I got my + OPK last night that I would ovulate today. Is that about right? Maybe I'll feel something more today. Tons of housework to do..


SashaP - February 4

I almost always get a twinge or cramp in the side I'm O'ing on. About a year ago I called my dr frantic because I was having really bad cramping on my left side I thought something must of burst. Yeah I was just O'ing. Everybody different though. Good luck tonight.


DD - February 4

Thanks...Do you ever get bad headaches around ovulation??? My head is killing me and I never usually get headaches. I'm wondering if that is the reason?



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