Is it OK........
2 Replies
Mzwest83 - May 22

Hi! My DH and I have just started to TTC this past month. But since my peroid is irregular I thought I might try the herbal approach first. I bought a Natural liquid herbal concentrate to add to water. The ingredients read Gingko Biloba, Wild Yam, Chaste Tree, Damiana, black Cohosh, and Chamomile. So here is my question. Is Gingko good to take while TTC? I read here that it is a good one to take to helpthe odds of getting pregnant but in my book What to expect when you are expecting it says never to take it whileTTC. I am confused! Can anyone help!?


Sweetpea - May 23

Take it during the first part of your cycle and then stop after you ovulate.


Mzwest83 - May 23

So Gingko is ok to take during the first part of my cycle?



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