hi all, i have had all my tests done, HSG, semen analysts (well dh did) blood work, post coial test, transvagional ultrasound, and now hte bioposy today.. boy did that one hurt.. my dr said that my cerviz muscus is very thick, so the sperm cant' get through.. so she gave me a prescritption for clomid, which i am hoping to strart next week if af comes on time, and than i will move forward with insemenation.. Anyone sucussfull with IUI? Also does it hurt, and how much does it cost.. I live in NJ
Hi, my insurance covered the IUI. Did you check to see if yours does? I thought it did in NJ (although I could be wrong). No, it didn't hurt. Just some light cramps (like menstrual cramps) when they did it and a little after but that was all. What dosage of clomid are you on?
Good luck!!!
Sorry I was answering you and I put your name in the "name" section.
Also, I was lucky and the first IUI I had worked. Baby dust to you!!!
Hi, gig23. I had one round of IUI and got pregnant. This was after my husband and I tried for 3 1/2 years on our own. Our issue was with his sperm...low motility and morphology even though he has a very high overall count. My IUI was slightly painful, but nowhere near as painful as my HSG. I did have some mild cramping for a couple of days, but nothing serious. I'm not sure of the exact cost because our insurance covered everything, but I think the cost of the IUI itself was around $300. That doesn't include the ultrasounds and bloodwork that I had done beforehand, or the medications (I took fertility meds to increase our odds even though I ovulate normally). Good luck!!
Thanks to you all.. i start clomid on day 3 of my cycle today i'm on day 26 usually get af on day 29-30... so hopfeully be starting it next week.. my dr will start me on 50ml... but if i ovulatat on a sunday than what!