I Never Get Egg White Cervical Mucus :(
3 Replies
I can pinpoint my ovulation time via test strips, and the pain i get at that time, however i never notice any fertile mucus as people describe. i have a baby but through fertility treatment means. is mmy prior infertility caused by this issue, or have you ever gotten preggo w/o this stuff? thanks a ton
Sherry, I don't know much about infertility & mc, but I just found out that I'm PG and that was the last thing I expected, as I did use OPK's around the time of ovulation, but they were all negative, so I just stopped. Also I have not seen any of the fertile type of mc and I am PG, well I had 4 positive HPT. Off to the docs tomorrow, so don't give up honey! Good luck to u & Lot's of Baby Dust!
Sherry sometimes the EWCM is so close to the cervix that you don't always notice it on your underware or when you wipe. I used to have tons of EWCM, up untill a two years ago when I had a thyroidectomy. I have been trying for our 3 child for a year now with no luck. I had and HSG last Thursday and my tubes were blocked. I had this done on cd 14 and I Oed around cd 17. The weird thing about it is on days 16 and 17 I had EWCM. I do not know if it had anything to do with the HSG, but I am hopeful it did. I would also try the Preseed lubricant since it is sperm friendly. I hope this helps. BABY DUST!
I use the stick tests as well, I have never noticed any ewcm but have fallen pregnant naturally once. I always wear black underwear and have recently noticed a change on them during my fertile time. Sorry TMI. Stay strong!