i need help please!
2 Replies
somedaymomma - May 10

Okay, I am so confused- AGAIN! I am usually regular to the day, and it was all fine up until february. I was supposed to start the 12th of february, and i didnt. I started the 28th, and went til march 3rd. Then I started on April the 1st. Now, its the 10 of may, and i still havent started. Does anyone know whats going on????


crystal74 - May 10

i need help too. i am normally so regular. every 28 days for me, so 14th day i have always o, well at least since i've been using the peesticks since oct or november. but in march i had no o. so i started bbt and using fertility friend. i think i did o but late on april 10th. then got my period on april 21st. that is so messed up for me. now i can't figure out when i o anymore. i'm all screwed up. i'm so sick and tired of being tired. now what do i do? sorry, probably no help to ya


wannabeamom - May 11

Hi Somedaymomma & crystal74, Do you chart your BBT or use an OPK. This will help you stay on track from month to month. You can also go by cervical mucous. A few of the girls here have bought the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". I got it and have found it a big help. I would also like to invite you to our thread, Anyone TTC in May? looking for cycle buddies.. the girls are so helpful and supportive there. Hope to see you there.



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