10 Replies
Suzan - August 9

I don't have a question I just wanted to wish everyone the best this month and overflow this board with ~~~~BABY DUST~~~~*******


nancy - August 9

thanks suzan.....


Anna - August 9

I'll add my ***BABY DUST*** too!


KellyN - August 10

I need all I can get! Thanks you guys!!!!!!! Baby dust back at ya'! -kelly


taneka - August 10

thanks suzan


pinkywantsbaby - August 25

Thank you so kindly Suzan :)


K - August 25

Thank you Suzan.. Here's my Baby Dust too!!!!!!!!!!!!


kay g - August 25

thank u Suzan:):)!!


Kim - August 25

Thanks a bunch and I hope I get pregnant


r - August 25

thankyou i have had a tarot reading and my tarot says a happy pre this month i have missed 2 periods i would be 8 weeks but neg hpts got all the signs apart from nausea waiting for another test result from the docs


Kathryn - August 26

Thanks for the baby dust.....we could sure use a double dose right now! I'm supposed to be ovulating sometime this week according to my bld test & u/s results so hope it works!! :)



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