I'm almost 21, ttc, having problems, help!
3 Replies
Hopeful - December 28

I will be 21 in a little over a month, my husband and I recently decided to start ttc. I have no been on any form of birth control since March of 2004(been married since June 2004), however I have not gotten pregnant. I thought we would try to record my cycle and temperature and everything for a few months before consulting a doctor...I was wondering if anyone could give me advice? Do you think there is something wrong by me not getting pregnant in the past almost two years? Should I go ahead and consult a doctor or try for a few months of recording my cycle and temperature? Help!


MonaT - December 28

i think there is nothing wrong with you. I advise u to get the maybe baby mini microscope to determine ur fertility period. Stress plays a big role in delaying pregnancy so try not to stress alot. I have been trying to concieve for about 6 months and 2 months ago i bought the maybe baby mini microscope. It worked for me as i just found out yesterday i was pregnant. I wish u all the best and i hope u fall pregnant.


miranda - December 28

i would try teping for a couple months then if it shows youre not ovulating then ask your dr to scan you for pcos...i found out when i was 17 so i knew before i tried to concieve,,,i know it gets frustrating, this is my fourth month of clomid so hang in there....lots of baby dust to us both!


miranda - December 28

i meant to put temping...not teping...sorry



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