I have my HSG on Monday the 20th....
1 Replies
Robyn - February 16

My doctor set up my HSG I also have PCOS at the hospital she told me it will not be painful and to take only 800mg of Motrin right before I go to the treatment. My cervix is tilited upwards and I remember during my yearly checkup last month how my doctor thought it might be difficult for the radiologist to locate my cervix. My question is I kinda wanted to take a percocet or two (: before the exam. Is this too painful without a painkiller or do you just chance it with Motrin. Just curious on any thoughts.


karen - February 16

the doctor always say it is not painful-but i here it is.! i also hear it depends on who is the doctor that performs it! and sometimes the pain is more mental than physical. i am due for an hsg next week. i will find out tommorow what day. has anyone had it done ? and how was it ?



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