Husband is deploying and I'm still not pregnant!!!!
4 Replies
Crystal - September 12

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for the past 9 months with no such luck. We're both in the Army, but his unit is set to deploy to Iraq in less than 2 months. We both want a child of our own SO bad!!!! What should I do! He's going to be gone for over a year...we want to start having a family together NOW! Any advice???


miranda - September 12

have you considered ivf?


hay - September 12

be posstive u still have 2 months left i wish u well


Fe - September 13

Give Vitex Agnus Castus a try. It can help you to concieve. Its a herbal tablet and safe. All the best and baby dust to you.


me - September 13

if you are in a rush to conceive, go to the dr pronto and ask for help. don't mess with your cycle now with herbs and crap when they are not guaranteed to do anything. they only help you regulate your cycle, not anything more. go to the dr, explain your situation and see what options would work for you. Good luck!



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