3 Replies
kc - July 16

I was just wondering what this ex-ray entails. My doctor is giving me until sept-oct to conceive and if nothing happens he told me that would be next. I was just curious as to what is involved and what is x-rayed. I had a lararoschopy when ttc my first. I'm wondering why he isn't preforming that first?


merlee - July 16

For an HSG they put a small cathether into your cervix and shoot a dye into your uterus and watch on the xray as the dye travels up into and through your follopian tubes to detect any obstructions. If the dye moves freely, it rules out tube obstructions. The procedure can cause some cramps but completely worth it to see your own uterus and follopian tubes on the screen. I found it very fasinating. If you do have some blockage, the procedure of forcing the dye through the tubes can actually reduce the blockage and "clean the tubes out" and increase your chances of getting preggo.


kc - July 16

Thanks Merlee for the info. now I won't feel so silly when the doc talks about the procedure. I'm sure I'll be going thru it in Oct. It would be a true miracle if I was expecting before then. Lots of luck to you. Hope that stork visits soon.


Lena - July 16

Merlee, I too thought it was facinating to watch the dye run through my uterus and tubes. I mentioned that in another thread and two people told me I was nuts. I'm glad I"m not the only nut. ;) lol



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