How to tell if I'm ovulating if I don't have a period?
1 Replies
marinewife - August 30

My husband and I are ttc. I'm 21 years old and we have a 3 year old daughter. I was on the Depo shot after she was born and have been off of it for 7 months now. My husband is a Marine and will be deployed for Iraq June of 2006 and we really wanted to get pregnant fast so he could be here for the birth but we have had no luck. I've been told it takes a few months to get pregnant once off of Depo but I have not even had a period yet(over 2 years)? Is this normal and how can I predict ovulation if I don't have a period?


Clara - August 30

Marinewife, you may want to call your doc. I understand your urgent time table so maybe the doctor can help you get everything back on track. Birth control (no matter what kind) can really mess up your cycles. Best of Luck and lots of Baby Dust your way!



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