Help ME
1 Replies
anglwngs19 - June 21

My name is Joy and i'm 23 yrs old. I am trying to get pregnant yet find it hard. I know that my ex could have kids b/c he had it checked out and said the doctors said yes. Its been about a month since we had sex. I have had my period already. But I get sharp pains in my stomach since Sunday morning when I woke up with a fever of 100.1. I had Strawberrys the previous night which never affect me. I dont know if the Strawberries were just bad or what. I dont know what to do and i'm worried. The reason I question if I can have kids is b/c sometimes after I go to the bathroom and do my buisness, I spot blood afterwords. I really am scared and dont know what to do. Please help.


Neuza - June 21

Hi Joy, my best advice is: i really think u should go to a doctor & explain your situation (sharp paisn in ur stmoach, etc). How long u have trying to get pregnant? I wish u all the luck. I am trying to get pregnant for more then 3 years & i know how frustated can partner is ok & last year i was diagnosed with PCOS. Well kept in touch...sorry if i wasn't able to help.



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