HELP!! Any luck w/Metformin/Clomid/HCG Shot?
1 Replies
Alyson - July 31

Hi I am 27 yrs old with PCOS. I was diagnosed 4 yrs ago. Just recently I found a doctor that gave me 1500mg Metformin/100 mg Clomid and I am also taking Provera to induce my periods. My period finally started after 2 rounds of Provera and it started on 07/27 I started my clomid today on 08/08 I go to my Dr. to get a follicle scan to see if I ovulated and then get an HCG shot. How soon after should I have sex and Has this worked for anyone. All these unsuccessful stories have made me discouraged and depressed. HELP!! Give me some positive reinforcement. Baby Dust to all including me. Lord knows I need it


Edy - August 19

I am doing all of these meds too and had 3 good follicles today. Did you get a BFP yet.



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