Have Endometriosis & Trying to get PG.
1 Replies
Renee - September 10

I was diagnosed with having endometriosis about 8 years ago. I'm trying to get pg now that I'm finally married. Is there anyone else out there with endometriosis that has had a successful pregnancy or is trying to get pregnant now? I could really use a little support group!!!


kc - September 11

I was diagnosed 6 years ago, while trying to conceive. I had a laparo. done and months later got pg. My daughter is now 4 1/2 years old. We have been ttc for #2 16 months now with a mc in April. So you can have children it just takes a little longer and is stressfull doing the 2ww every month until you finally get a bfp. Good Luck and lots of baby dust.



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