Has anyone purchased Vitex?
6 Replies
TWhit116 - February 10

I purchased Vitex and was wondering if anyone has taken it and found it useful in getting pregnant?


KeiraYvette - February 11

I have heard about ppl who swear by vitex... just have to make sure you stop once you find out you are PG


Bahar - February 11

I have PCOD, before I married I have used it about 2 years and it was good for regular periods.


hannah01 - February 11

I am going through IUI right now and asked my RE if I should use it to boost my chances. He said not to because vitex is an herb, and herbs can be inexact/unstable, etc. Have you read about taking baby aspirin? It's supposed to help and he ok'd that.


TWhit116 - February 11

I read it regualtes and can help hormones that help with ovulating. my cycles are 40 -48 days


lindsie - February 11

I have a mild form of PCOS and very irregular cycles my whole life. I used Vitex for a little over 2 months. For me, it did nothing, but maybe I should have given it more time. We are back to using Clomid now.


TWhit116 - February 12

Does it help with ovulation and getting pregnant or just regualting af?



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