had abortion, now I want that baby
47 Replies
To Christine - March 16

We were also created with a BRAIN and surely we should use it when people are sleeping with people they shouldnt be and not even bothering using a condom or something! She had it coming to her! Abortion is a cowards way out if she is old enough to drop her kegs then she should practise safe sex! Plus you dont tell people on this borad yr killing a baby just cuz yr suppose to save yr cherry 4 yr husband! Women on this site are having problems getting pregnant and she comes her telling us she is killing it!!!!!! christine yr saying im a coward 4 my opinion how am i a coward when im here saying it??????????


I'm in with you on this one - March 16

I'm going to have to agree on this one, its upsetting to hear of ladies aborting babies. This lady should of played the safe game, I'm the last person who wanted to hear of this shocking story. I have been trying for nearly 2 years i would die to have a baby right now. This is as the lady before me said "An infertility board" meaning we are suffering with problems to get pregnant. Please dont use this site to talk about abortions.


Bekah - March 17

My husband and I are trying to get pregnant right now, and it is disconcerting to hear women talking about getting an abortion--but my job is actually counseling women who are considering just that. I would encourage Rakhi that there are other options and MOST importantly, a medical abortion using RU486 or any other "pill" should be looked into carefully, it has only been approved since 2000 and three women have died as a result. I do not think it is safe.


Berry - March 17

RU486 was approved in 2000? maybe that's the case in U.S. That is European drug, and was approved for using for much longer history in other countries. I had a miscarriage but couldn't all cleared out natually, so doc prescibed RU486, that was in 1992.


one day soon!!! - March 17

We are all on this site discussing our stories of how we are longing to be called “Mommy” one day….and I don’t think it is appropriate for anyone to be asking advise on how to abort their 5 week pregnancy. Rakhi, I’m sorry that you are living with the horrible decision of possible aborting your pregnancy (if you haven’t already), however think about what you are saying and who you are saying it to. This is defiantly the wrong “board” for your situation…………this is just my opinion!! …..Like me, for all you ladies out there who are ttc and are having unexplained problems I feel your pain and pray that one day we will all be called Mommy!!


geraldine - August 30

hi there gwen. no one is perfect. i have had 3 abortions and i just turned 30 this year. Now i am trying to have a baby but i can't seem to get pregnant. i had my last abortion 5 years ago. sometimes i feel that god will not let me have children anymore but all i can do is hope and pray for a miracle. i had a friend who has never had an abortion in her life and she had to wait 7 years to get a child. What i am trying to say is we can't feel guilty of what we have done. we should look forward and make sure we stay healthy and enjoy life as each days goes by.


Ughh - August 30

If you are asking if abortion is okay for you to do now and still get pregnant later....then I think you could find a post somewhere else to ask that. As several have stated, we are hear TTC, just had a hard enough time conceiving, here for support of others, etc. Abortion is murder...anyway you look at it b/c God has condemned it in His Word. I am not here to judge ppl in anyway..yet I have a hard time dealing with hearing stories of ppl having had abortions. However, for those who have had them and now regret it and sincerely sought forgiveness for that....I can deal with that better and I cannot imagine the pain you must be going through now as you face each day....that is harder than words can describe. Everyone of us has things we regret (sins we've committed) and if we truly ask for forgiveness, then we know we are indeed forgiven. Baby dust to us all TTC and many prayers for those having had an abortion who are now faced with that decision of regret daily and who are also TTC...the Lord works in mysterious ways for us all!


elizabeth from dk - August 30

hi gwen, also live with the same grief. 1 and 1/2 year ago i had an abortion, i wasn't ready and now we've been trying for 9 months and nothing. i've been really anxious and depressed and i regret i didn't keep my baby. there is not a day that goes by that i don't think of it. anybody have any advice, sometimes i think my conscious is going to take all the hope away from me: i think i did something bad and somebody is trying to punish me.


Gabby - August 30

I know everybody is free to do as they wish if you wast to aboard a child when someone else wants a child sooooo bad tht is your business. but as my own opinion and mine alone I wiah you would concider that this is a very sore subject when it come to women that have never had a chance to become preg. or a chance to come to full term. You should understand that it is easy to be harsh to someone else that has aboarded their child when we have not yet been given the chance to have a child at all. It's easy to point the finger at someone elses mistake when it is your own. And some people that are yong do make foolish mistakes, it happens but when you are older and there is nothing wrong with the baby and you aboard it everyone needs to realize that you are the only one that is going to have to deal with that the rest of your life. We are not going to. So some people need to just be happy with what god gives you. Everything happens for a reason!!! Good luck to everyone!!


help - August 31

I had a D&C before I got pregnant the second time it was only 3mths later, so I dont think that it has something to do with the D&C. I had that operation because of a miscarriage. hoped this HELPED.


Silly Me - August 31

I was just wondering what D&C means? As for questions regarding abortions no one here has the right to judge the other, however I do feel I can express my opinion without being too harsh. Basically I do not believe in abortions, you are murdering God's creation. Woman should seriously think about what they are doing becasue every abortion is individual. For some it can cause you to be infertile and for others it will not. Perhaps give the baby up for adoption and I'm sure you will reconsider once you carry your child for 9mths and bring him/her into this world. It is easy to say you want to have an abortion but why wasn't it that easy to close your legs or practice safe sex? Good Luck 4 All TTC and don't give up.


Kat - August 31

To all that have posted here: None of you are Saints so please don't be judgemental. When I was younger, I was very permiscuous. It took many years for me to realize that doing this was not the way to be accepted and for people to care for me. We all have skelatons in our closets and have regrets. The first time I became pregnant I was only 15. When I went to my Mom about it, she was adament that I had an abortion- no options. Later when I was almost 17 I became pregnant again by the same young man. I tried to hide it so Mom couldn't make me abort again. She found out when I was 14 weeks pregnant and once again forced me to abort. This abortion was very traumatic as I had to actually give birth to a dead fetus in order to abort. I spent twelve hours in labor with my baby. Shortly after the relationship with my mother was severed and I moved out. I was no longer interested in sex and although I stayed with that same young man until I was 21 years old, the whole situation put a strain on our relaonship and we parted ways. Regardless, I continued on with my life, went to college, I am a teacher, own Real Estate, married a wonderful man and through the grace of God I have a beautiful 2 year old. The gift that God gave me took 3 years of very stressful fertility treatments as both of my tubes were closed with scar tissue. Yes, abortion can damage you both physically and emotionally, but faith and love will fill the void that has occurred. The pain and guilt will always be there- I can't say that it won't. Believe in yourself and trust in God. I have endured a miscarriage this past March after another failed IVF and a miracle pregnancy after the fact. I am going through another type of guilt and pain. You can become pregnant after abortion but it may take more forgiveness and acceptance than you are ready for. Be patient and never lose the faith.


A - September 3

Yes, I have. I know how you feel. The guilt will never cease to exist, but forgive yourself and move on.


? - September 4

Some people just don't have a heart for anyone both sides need to realize that you both need to put your self in the other ones shoes and see what u would do.


? - September 4

I'm sure God did not want people to be raped either but it happens and it did to me so rather than judge think about how you would feel being raped and then discovering you were pregnant by some sadistic nutter and then be reminded of it for the rest of your life .


just a thought - September 4

although abortion is a very touchy subject, i dont think that any of us should be judging these women in any way. i have two friends who had abortions, and even though i told them my thoughts on it, they still have their own demons to overcome from their choice to abort. women go through quite a bit of emotions when they decide to go through this. i dont think that it is in anyones best interest to sit here and battle back and forth about what is right and what is wrong. all of us make descisions in our lives that might not always be right, but if anyone would come down on us about our choices, then we would become defensive too! just leave the women who had abortions alone, they have enough emotional scars to deal with without having everyone tell them how wrong they are. the women on here giving other women on here should be ashamed of themselves. stop judging people because you dont know all of the information or situations these women were in when they made this choice. i think that we should all take a moment to reflect on where we are in our own lives before we judge others. have a good day, and i wish us all the best of luck.



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