Feeling Depressed Like Me? Come Inside!
20 Replies
Molly - October 31

Feeling extremely depressed, af sowed up today. Feel like its never ever going to happen.


sherry - November 1

molly iam so very sorry :( please don't give up hope girl! we are here for you, and we are stickin together, until we ALL get BFP'S ok??? it WILL happen! it is so nice to have support here. don't know what i would do without that. iam on CD 14, haven't peaked yet, but hubby hasn't been feeling well. i have to find a way to make him feel well soon, or i don't even stand a chance this month. hopefully i can find something sweet and frilly to break him out of his weak spirit. we'll see. remember moll, and everyone else, you are among friends here so keep pressing forward, we will prevail:) we are not going to lose this battle. hugs, sherry


Molly - November 2

Thanks Sherry... Your kind words are so helpful! Well I am cd 3 now, and counting! Each day is a step closer to that BFP day! It is so great to have support in here, its so hard to find people who undertand exactly how you feel 'in the real world'! good luck with the 'bding' Sherry!


Vanessa - November 2

well, after being 2 days late, I got my damn p.
I was trying not to get my hopes up but the fact that I was a little bit late, my boobs weren't as sore as they usually were and I was nauseous on Monday kind of gave me a glimmer of hope. Onto month 6 of not knowing, being nervous, upset etc... Never thought I'd have to go through this. I figured since i was healthy, happy, somewhat regular would be all I needed. How on earth do you keep you spirits up?
best to you all!


T.C. - November 2

I understand, I have tried to get pregnant all year. Tons of my friends are either pregnant or just had babies, including my sisters in law (yes more than one of them). I want so bad to have a baby, it kills me everytime my husband he asks me if I feel anything or to take another test. I know hes just trying to be supportive but it hurts every time i read not pregnant. I understand the low sinking feeling but DONT GIVE UP! I tell myself if it was easy for me to get pregnant I wouldn't feel as much appreciation or joy as I will when I finally do. When I get pregnant I'll never forget the struggle and heart ache it took to get there and how strong it has made me. If u can get through this U WILL get through anything. I wish you the best, DONT GIVE UP!!! :)



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