Feeling Depressed Like Me? Come Inside!
20 Replies
sherry - October 23

iam at the tail end of a super bad period, and just feel really depressed. i find it hard to have faith in the next cycle, cause i just know there will be dissapointment at the end. dh doesn't understand, i guess that is why we need eachother to lean on, but i just feel so down, part hormones, part stupid infertility. anyone else?


d - October 23

I am right with you. I feel less like a woman every month that goes by and nothing. I know my husband means well and I know we have each other, but it is killing me that i cannot concieve his child. It gets harder every month. this month everyone thought it was my month including myself.


isa - October 23

hi sherry and d. i'm having a really bad month also and may have just lost this month due to an early ovulation not expected. Doc changed meds this month and it seems to have made me ovulate or about to and its only cd10. I'm frustrated also with the whole process of ttc and know exactly how you feel.


d - October 23

Hi ladies, the curse came today. It was a week late, (i am never late). got my hopes up cause that was my best indicator. Now i have no idea what my schedule is going to be. I hope to feel better in a few days so dh and I can try again this month. It will just take a couple kits cause i don't know when I will be ov'ing since I was late.


Molly - October 24

I hear ya! I was really really depressed when af came last. It is so depressing and really hard to drag yourself out of, then you go throught the whole rollercoaster again of 'will it be this month'. Its so hard to get your hopes up after af, but then when you do, they get crushed again. My dh tries hard to understand- but I think no ones understands unless they are going through it. I guess we just have to keep hoping! I am on clomid 50mg, 2nd cycle and i was so depressed because I heard so many stories of people getting pregnant after one dose. Good luck everyone!


sherry - October 24

iam so sorry that af hit ya d. i was slightly late myself, but a week, i could imagine you got your hopes up. iam very sorry! iam glad that we are together though! hopefully each cycle, 1 or more of us, will get that BFP, and can join the preggo board instead of here. it's such a drag to ttc, but if i didn't have this computer i know i'd go insane!! isa, iam sorry you "o"ed so early this month. was it the change of meds that did it? did the dr. say if you will go back to normal ovulation next cycle? i hope so. that is such a drag. hang in there girls. it's good to know we are amongst friends!! ((hugs))


sherry - October 24

molly don't give up on the clomid! it may work after 1 cycle for some, but there are millions of stories of it working on other women, a few cycles in, we just hear all the first time success stories. so don't lose hope. keep on with it!!! hugs, sherry


d - October 24

I have a baby shower to go to on nov 12 for my cousin. I don't want to go. But I know she will get all upset about it. I don't know what to do.


Molly - October 25

Thanks so much Sherry, its nice to get some encouragement! I wish it had of worked the first time - but don't we all! Let's hope for the 2nd cycle! I don't theink I could bear seeing another af! D. I have a baby shower to go to on Nov 5th as well. There are 70 people going - maybe no one will notice if I'm not there! Seeing pregnant people never seemed to worry me - we're been ttc for about 13 months - but for the last 2 or 3 months it has been hard to look at when you see someone who's pregnant - its so hard not to get jealous! In the last month 3 people at work have announced they are pregnant - so now I have to see pregnant people at work! I am so happy for them, but like all of us here I wish it was me....


Kellie - October 25

Hi Sherry, yes I am really down. I know how you feel. I have PCOS and my consultant has told me that i may never concieve naturally. To top it off, my best friend has just given birth to a baby girl today. My Consultant keeps putting things off and does not want to see me again until Feb next year!! Going to go private as can't carry on like this. I have hormone problems due to PCOS and I am all over the place. I am smoking more and drinking more. Nobody understands do they? If you haven't yet seen your GP please book an appt. You may have Endometriosis, common symptom is heavy and painful periods. My mum was diagnosed with this. Maybe we could support each other?
Email me and we will talk. All the best and remember you are not alone.xx


Tee - October 26

Hello everyone, my dh and I have been ttc for about 6 mths and every month it seems as if I go on some kind of emotional roller coaster. I find myself thinking about ttc all day everyday and it seems like every where I look whether its on tv, at the store, or at work everyone is pregnant or just had a baby. Its very frustrating and it seems like when I try to just forget about it, I cant. So, I can relate to many of you all.


sherry - October 27

good luck to you MOLLY this month! i'll keep fingers, toes, and legs, crossed for you...(ok i may have to uncross my legs) lol. what CD are you ladies on now?? iam on CD 8. still early. about the shower thing. i remember how hard that was for me to. it was my best friend and i had to be there for her, for that, and her baby's birth, and it was not my idea of fun. i remember drinking at the party, so i could "deal" with it, but i was so phoney, with my smiles, and congrats. inside i was tearing up, but think of it this way...someday soon, that shower, and those gifts will all be for YOU! then all the pain and sadness from the past will vanish, i assure you:) keep your chins up ladies. we are all in this together. KELLIE, welcome, and girl...never let ANYONE tell you, never!! i know plenty of women with pcos that concieved. actually the girl i was just speaking of, my best friend, she was told she could never have kids. she had endo, (bad), cysts, and 1 working ovary, plus a hormonal imbalance to boot, didi i mention really wacked and very heavy, painful cycles? welp, she was on BC for years for her periods, and got pregnant likedy split after stopping BC. that was part of the reason i was so darn jealous lol. never let anyone get you down. these things come out +++vley all the time. no good dr. would tell you that, so hang in there alright??? ((hugs))


Vanessa - October 27

So glad I found you ladies. I have been TTC for 5 months and no luck. I am a bit irregular - anywhere between 28-31 days which is frustrating because I think I'm doing everthing wrong. My hubby and I have sex almost ever second day but no luck. I'm so down in the dumps. I'm coming up on day 26 and I have nervous butterflies in my tummy thinking that I'll get my period this weekend. I want a baby so badly. Anyway, luck to you all!


sherry - October 28

welcome vanessa, my cycles are just like yours, between 28-32 days, and heck..think of it this way, they could be much worse apart! it's not too bad. as far as your big day coming up, how do you feel? like af is coming? sore bb's anything? not that you need to have any symptoms, it's just exciting that you are on that part of your cycle. iam only at 9 days into my cycle now. sounds like you are doing everything right there. sending you oodles of baby dust, and please, tell those butterflies to go away. we all get them, but i want you to be nice, calm, and relaxed, and when you test be sure to share your news. we are wishing you the very best ++++vibes sherry


Molly - October 28

Hi everyone, well I am cd 28 today and just got a bad cold yesterday. Af usually comes on cd 32, but has been know to come as late as cd 39 or 40. So hears hoping that it will be swift if its going to come, or not come back for 9 months! I got my progesterone levels back (as I am on 2nd month cycle of clomid) and my level was 97. Last month it was 58 - which means I definitely ovulated this cycle. Well I guess i still have a while to wait before I test. Hope everyone one else is going well!


Maren - October 29

D, this month I was a week late too and getting really excited when AF arrived. I really didn't think it would come. Either I would be pregnant or something was wrong and I skipped a whole month. Now I am thinking this might happen more often. Ahhh....


Molly - October 31

Feeling extremely depressed, af sowed up today. Feel like its never ever going to happen.



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