Everyone, How long have you been ttc?
48 Replies
lori - December 9

Good luck to everyone i got af today.I am very sad.


Solange - December 9

I am 41 years old and ttc for 3 years and a half. I had 2 early miscarriages (4th week) and today I had my 3rd IUI. We don't have any problems. Think the reason is my age. Good luck.


beth - December 9

Lori-i'm so sorry af showed her ugly face. but don't let that get you down. enjoy the holidays and get ready for next month!!


kristine - December 9

almost nine years!!!!!and nothing!!!!!!


Becca - December 10

4 years and 1 month, Have done fertility drugs with no luck. Have PCOS and now found out have insulin resistance so am trying metformin. If not pg by January will add fertility drugs to that. Don't worry though. The average couple takes up to a year to conceive.


Amanda - December 10

I have been ttc now for about 9 months now, with no luck!!! but i wish everyone on this page the best of luck!!!! god bless you alL!!!!


MuzikGurl - December 11

a year and 4 months and looks like I'll still be counting...I'm 23 and DH is 25 fixing to turn 26 in Feb. Got married this past june been married 6 months now. BABY DUST EVERYONE!


Ann - December 11

36, trying for a year and 7 months...on 3rd cycle of clomid. I have done one iui and doing another next week. I am ready for af to stay at her own place for a while. I don't want her to visit!


Annie - December 11

I'm 34. Trying for 4 yrs and still nothing. We have male issues. 4 failed IUI's and very depressed.....


MO - December 12



frany - December 12

2 years


ashlee - December 21

im on my 10th month now and still waiting!!! i had a m/c in june. it took about 3 months before that to fall preg first time... and now now luck at all.


Multiples Mom - December 21

Hi, before I got pregnant we tried for a little over a year before we saw a Fertility Specialist. I was put on clomid and got pregnant the first month. Now we've been trying again for about 5 months or so, hoping for another child. Oh and I'm 39.


Moly - December 21

15 months. I am 27 and have been married for 2 years.


Medi12 - December 21

I am 28, DH is 30. Married for 7 months ~ been trying for 5 months. Two of the 5 months I have had m/c. I am going in for LAP in Jan.


Melissa - December 21

I am 26....DH & I have been married & trying for 2 1/2 years. I've been diagnosed with endo & am treating it right now, so I'll be back on the ttc wagon in March!



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