Everyone, How long have you been ttc?
48 Replies
I was just wodering how long everyone has been trying and if you already have a baby how long did it take?How old i everyone.I am 21 i have been ttc for 7 months now!
Took me 5 years to have my baby.
Hi lori it took me 1 year but then i got pregnant with twins.
| d - December 8 |
i am 23, i've been with my dh for 31/2 yrs, and i've been trying for 13 months and still haven't gotten pregnant yet.
| b - December 8 |
Its good to know i am not the only on going through this.We can get through this together.Baby dust to all
| av - December 8 |
Six yrs and still no conception.
A little over a year and a half.
| kc - December 8 |
2 years with 3 mc for the first. 19 months now with 1 mc.
15 mos. & still waiting for that BFP! Good luck!!!
I am 30 and have been ttc for 5 months. It is very frustrating every time AF comes.
I just turned 25 and have been ttc since January. So 12 months, but in the middle (just O'd) of my 15th cycle since then.
Girl we can do this i believe we can and i am fgoing to be here for everyone of you the whole way.Please if anyone gets pregnant cone back and let us all know what all you did.I have not been doing anything to try to get pregnany exept have sex when i am ovulating.Starting today though i am starting to have sex everyday to get a baby i believe this will work.I amalso praying i will get baby soon!!!Good luck girls keep in touch!
I'm 26 and have been TTC on and off for the past 4 yrs. About a yr or two I was diagnosed with PSOC. Im not taking any fertility meds @ the moment, actually bout 2 months ago I started taking Ovulex.. but.. I've heard from some ppl that it doesnt really work; I bought the 6 mo. supply so imma keep on taking it 'till I go 2 my first Fertility Dr.'s appt on Dec 30th.. ***BABY DUST TO ALL!!***
i'm 31, trying for almost 2 years. 4 unsuccessful iuis but monday is my preg test for our first ivf cycle. good luck to all.
Good luck to everyone i got af today.I am very sad.