Does Getting My Period Mean I Ovulated?
18 Replies
sue - December 21


I posted a few days ago - to say that I had used a opk for the first time last month (been ttc for 3 years). I found out this morning I am pregnant so it worked first time! I am 40.


Dee - December 21

i didn't really find any info besides that if you're late you are either stressed or have a chemical pg, etc. but i just think it's odd that it's late and i got a negative. i guess i'm stressed for the holidays (although i dont feel stressed) or something. this next cycle i am definitely going to use an opk and try to be more on time with charting my temps so i can get an idea of what my O day is. if it shows that i am not Oing or something wrong i'm going to make an appointment ASAP to fix the problem and get back to's been a long 13 months and i dont want to wait any longer! :o) well good luck everyone...i hope we get bfp's in the new year!


to everyone - December 22

Yes, you can get a period without Oing. Sometimes you can O one month and not the other. If your charting and nothing chances, see help from OB or RE.



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